Digestive Problems


Did you know that the symptoms of IBS are similar to those experienced by people with Small Intestinal Bacterial Overgrowth (known as SIBO)?

What is SIBO?

SIBO is diagnosed when there is an excessive amount of bacteria within the small intestine. In a healthy digestive system, the amount of gut bacteria found within the small intestine is quite low, so when there is an excessive amount of bacteria it is often the result of some anatomical abnormality or digestive illness. 

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How Stress Affects Your Gut

Were you aware that recurrent stress (fear and anxiety, that random rush of adrenaline and a newfound sense of urgency…sound familiar?) can literally affect your long-term wellness? Research has proven that ongoing stress can negatively impact the trillion of healthy bacteria in your gut, and subpar gut health can negatively impact your entire system.

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Why is Keto Not For You?

Like all fad diets, the Keto diet promises you BIG changes in a short amount of time. It has been called life-changing, a miracle diet, the “best thing that’s ever happened to weight loss”, etc. etc. Cue eye-roll.

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Is Leaky Gut Real?

What is leaky gut exactly? Basically, it is used as a “catch-all,” umbrella term for almost every intestinal condition out there. Let’s take a look at the scientific facts and findings about leaky gut and debunk some of these claims.

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IBS, Gut Health and Nutrition – Event Recap

On Thursday 21.03.19, an event that has been in the works for a while came to life! As requested by so many, I’ve managed to team up with Zurich’s top gastroenterologists for an evening that was all about gut health.

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Do we need probiotic supplements?

Probiotics are live, “good” or “helpful” bacteria and yeasts which reside in our gut. We have a small number living in our stomach and small intestine, and a very large number, of different bacteria, living in our large intestine. Did you know that we actually have a

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Allergie oder Unverträglichkeit? Die Unterschiede

Gemäss Umfragen glauben 30% von Schweizern an einer Allergie zu leiden. In realität sind aber eigentlich nur 2-6% von Allergien betroffen. Die meisten (20%) haben nur eine Unverträglichkeit.

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4 mögliche Gründe warum du Gluten nicht verträgst

Ist Gluten der absoluter Übeltäter unserer modernen Ernährung? Viele glauben so. Das ist absolut rechtfertigt, denn sehr viele Leute reagieren auf glutenhaltigem Getreide. Dies hat aber unterschiedliche Gründe, und nicht nur der Gluten ist schuld. Ich erkläre 4 Gründe warum du Gluten möglicherweise nicht verträgst:

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Why Immunity Starts in Your Gut

Did you ever stop to think that around 80% of your immune system lies in your gut? The gut microbiome have been in the spotlight for many years for their role in gut health, chronic disease, obesity, mental health and diabetes to name a few. Need we

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Reizdarm, wie du in 3 Schritten erleichterung bekommst

Das Reizdarmsyndrom ist die weit verbreiteste Ursache für Magen-Darm Beschwerden. Leider ist die medizinische Therapie dafür oft erfolglos oder unbefriedigend. Den Grund dafür ist dass die Symptome des Reizdarmes mit 3 Faktoren zusammenhängen welche nicht von Medikanten behoben werden können: Stress, ungenügende Bewegung und Ernährung. Drei Schritte

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