There is no evidence to support that chocolate is linked to migraines and acne.
1 standard glass of red wine contains 85 calories as opposed to a pint of beer which has 184 calories.
The flavour of a zucchini is best when it is less than 6 inches long.
A product claiming ” low cholesterol” doesn’t mean it is low in fat.
Avocado is considered a FRUIT not a vegetable.
Nuts are a source of protein and fibre.
Quinoa is not a grain but the seed of a leafy plant that is related to spinach. It is high in protein and is gluten free (NOTE: Some products containing quinoa are not gluten free due to cross contamination with wheat flour products).
Soybeans are an excellent source of protein as they provide all the essential amino acids. Generally, animal proteins are a source of complete proteins as opposed to plant sources. However, soybeans do provide complete proteins!
Oats help reduce cholesterol levels and control insulin & glucose levels.
Eating carbohydrates DO NOT MAKE YOU FAT! What you need to consider is how much you eat, what goes on your carbs and the type you choose.
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