Online Counseling: Your feedback and thoughts!

Dear Readers,

As I’ve been currently busy finishing up my Masters of Advanced studies and filling my brain up with more knowledge to benefit the world, I am now in the midst of venturing into more projects and would like your input! One project includes online counseling – more of a one on one Skype/email sessions to help achieve anything from weight loss to managing Irritable Bowel Syndrome. Feedback and thoughts appreciated!

Would you consider consulting with an online dietitian? Please feel free to share your thoughts or send an email to

Also, do not forget to visit our Nutrition AZ’s Facebook page and look for that LIKE button!

Spread the word, keep healthy and stay tuned!

Sandra Mikhail (APD/AN)

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  1. Great! Keep up the good work!

  2. Yes potentially would consult through an online service. It would be convenient, easy, reliable source and accessible at any time (ie wouldn’t have to wait for an appointment to get advice).
    Though would consider whether i would still atruggle to commit and apply the information when I don’t have a nutritionist who is following up on progress. But I guess you can still incorporate a follow up system for high touch

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