Many of you might’ve heard of or participated in one of the world’s most challenging obstacle courses, Reebok Spartan Race but it’s actually not just any other race. Apart from the intense physical challenges presented, the Spartan Race helps you develop true mental grit, pushes your limits and will make you redefine your boundaries. Joe De Sena, founder and the driving force behind Spartan Race, gives you an insider’s tale of the Spartan way of life in his new book, Spartan Up! This book is designed to help you apply the Spartan way to every aspect of your life, be it in nutrition, fitness, business, education and even relationships.
Joe walks us through his own story and relates his tales in order to help others understand what drives them. This is not another exercise book. It is a manual based on a series of concepts where you learn how to find the will to succeed, how to overcome the need for immediate gratification, get Spartan fit and transform yourself in every aspect of life.
In an interview, we’ve asked Joe a few questions, which sheds the light on this Spartan Life…
Could you walk us through the birth of Spartan Race and why you’ve decided to create this infamous obstacle course?
“It was divine we sat around the kitchen one night eating turkey legs post a big workout someone said…we should call it Spartan..and so it was..Spartan is not a race. It is a mind set, it is a way of life, it has survived for generations and will continue to as it embodies everything everyone wants to be deep down inside yet we have been moving further and further away from as a species..”
What is the Spartan way of life?
“The Spartan way of life is a life full of discipline, health, wellness and hard work. Our philosophy is that we can sleep when we are dead. We are here on earth and get to enjoy this privilege but must return the favour by giving the most of ourselves and giving back.”
What does a real-life Spartan’s diet entail?
- Less processed.
- Less food at night.
- Water or Coconut water ideal for drinks
- Less meat
- No need for coffee “
Joe’s book will be released in May but you can preorder your copy of Spartan Up! now.
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