Many may think that being a dietitian equals extraordinary chef, which in my case, is DEFINITELY NOT. I have to give credit to a course during my Uni years, which taught me to master the art of cooking on another level. Fast forward 11 years later, here I
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In this day and age, everyone’s looking into high tech gadgets that would make their life easier, both in their professional and personal life. Whether we are talking apps, online calorie counters, food trackers and menu planners, health professionals are also keeping up to date with how
Read more →In preparation for the official launch of Nutrition A-Z’s online nutrition counseling service, I will be offering free trial sessions for those requiring guidance from a dietitian. As this is only a trial period, the number of people enrolled will be limited to 6, however, 2 have
Read more →Dear Readers, Just sending a little heads up on what’s in store for the coming weeks. The next few segments will be written by guest experts talking about a whole range of topics: The “In the Spotlight” segment will introduce you to the queen of gluten free
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