For the past couple of weeks, both the Australian and international media reported that Belle Gibson, founder of the best selling App The Whole Pantry, might have based her whole empire on fraud. Although no statements have been issued from Gibson as of yet, the world is finally
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It’s that time of the month. A cocktail of mood swings, food cravings and bloating seem to be uncontrollable. The time leading up to a woman’s period is like a terrifying roller-coaster; you can’t wait to get off and people around refuse to get on…
Read more →“Everyone who has ever eaten seems to be granted an equally authoritative opinion about nutrition.” David Katz This might sound like another rant given that I am sharing my raw and personal thoughts on here but this is somehow, a S.E.N.S.I.T.I.V.E topic that I have come across
Read more →There’s nothing like adding a bit of character and spice into your daily menu to keep your meals interesting and bursting with flavour. Here are my top finds that I have stumbled upon last week and thought were a definite must share! Starting with…
Read more →Dictionaries and thesauruses all round mention multiple words and meanings for the term “Happy”. So we’ve got cheerful, delighted, pleasant, joyful, joyous, upbeat, lively, in high spirits and content to name a few. Yet when hit with the title “happy meal”, the first thing that comes to
Read more →Ah the talk of bowel movement. Being a dietitian with a passion for gastroenterology, conversations behind closed doors don’t usually entail talk of green smoothies, your 5 a day and how to rid your thighs of cellulite. We try to figure out what causes the uncontrollable flatulence,
Read more →Nothing calms me down better than being in the kitchen and getting all experimental! Much of the recipes I post here are trial and errors, despite how basic they are! HOWEVER, given that I am not much of the professional baker, I am loving the end products.
Read more →Finally! My first post of 2015 and we’re kicking off the year with how to get great-Looking skin. A number of readers and my past patients would always ask me about the secret to glowing skin. Frankly, there is no magical concoction. It entails a whole list
Read more →Dietitians, near and far, have experienced a bad wrap in recent times and I believe that bad press is to thank for that. According to social media and other so called, nutrition experts and “investigative journalists” dietitians have become the source of bad science, misleading the public.
Read more →Sports nutrition is always a popular topic I am asked to write about and the information out there is endless! Personal trainers and fitness experts always have a say but as much as I do respect their profession, sports dietitians and nutritionists are the ones to trust when
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