So you’re grocery shopping, trying not to run the person in front of you over with your trolley. They’re just standing there, reading the food packaging and comparing products. I assume alot of you do that (or pretend to ?!) so what are you really looking at?
Things to look out for when reading the Ingredients List:
**Ingredients high in sugar include fruit concentrate, maltose, honey, syrup, molasses, malt extract, brown/simple/castor sugar, glucose and fructose.
**Ingredients high in saturated fat (“bad fat”) include animal fat, hydrogenated fat, butter, palm oil, shortening, ghee, lard, dripping, coconut oil, full cream milk solids, coconut cream & copha.
**High fibre ingredients wholegrain, bran, wheatmeal, wholewheat, wheatbran, psyllium, high maize and rolled oats.
When reading the Nutrition Information Panel (which I always find covered with a massive sticker with the arabic translation! ), keep the following in mind:
Use the per 100g (or100ml) column when comparing different products.
Look for products which provide:
**Fat – Less than 10g per 100g. Exceptions:
Choose milk less than 2g/100g
Choose yoghurt less than 4g/100g
Choose cheese less than 15g/100g
**Sugars – Less than 10g per 100g. Exceptions: Choose cereals with dried fruit less than 20g/100g.
**Sodium – Less than 350mg per 100g
**Fibre – More than 3g per serve. Exceptions:
Choose breads more than 5g/100g
Choose cereals more than 9g/100g
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