Weight Management

Why is Keto Not For You?

Like all fad diets, the Keto diet promises you BIG changes in a short amount of time. It has been called life-changing, a miracle diet, the “best thing that’s ever happened to weight loss”, etc. etc. Cue eye-roll.

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Wie du während dem Winter abnehmen kannst

Viele Menschen berichten das es ihnen leichter fällt im Sommer das Gewicht zu reduzieren und das sie im Winter eher an Gewicht zunehmen.

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Afraid of Holiday Weight Gain This Season?

As the holiday season begins, the ingrained fear of weight gain comes along with it. Christmas parties, dinners and family events tend to fill up your weekly calendars in the lead up to the big day and new year’s eve. So why not look at it from a

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Cut down on sugar in 3 easy steps

I recently wrote an article on why sugar is not the enemy. The key message was that sugar is not the bad guy, but the amount we consume of it and that we should look at our nutrition as a whole and not single out specific foods

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Why Immunity Starts in Your Gut

Did you ever stop to think that around 80% of your immune system lies in your gut? The gut microbiome have been in the spotlight for many years for their role in gut health, chronic disease, obesity, mental health and diabetes to name a few. Need we

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Mangelernährung trotz Überfluss

In der heutigen Zeit sollte kein Mensch unterernährt sein. Leider ist tatsächlich ein sehr grossen Teil der Weltbevölkerung unterernährt, und leidet an einer Mangelernährung. Und der Rest der Weltbevölkerung? Die meisten sind Fehlernährt. Das heisst, durch falsche Ernährung, leiden auch Übergewichtige an Nahrstoffmangel.

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10 Steps to Mindful Eating

Here I am, revisiting an old post as I realised how essential mindfulness has become in our day-to-day lives. This also comes as a follow up to a recent workshop I held, which was all about mindful eating. This ancient meditation model has been changing the way

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When Exercise is Your Nemesis

Here we are, 18 months postpartum and you’d think we’ve got this whole exercise thing nailed by now. Think again… Why is it so hard to actually fit in a workout when we know of all the benefits that come along?

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Wie unsere Darmbakterien unser Körpergewicht beeinflussen

Das Thema “Mikrobiom” ist aktuell sehr interessant und es wird sehr viel Forschung gemacht. So hat man schon Zusammenhänge festgestellt mit dem Mikrobiom und u.a. Körpergewicht, Diabetes mellitus Typ 2 und diversen Autoimmunerkrankungen. Da es deutlich ein sehr spannendes und auch grösseres Thema ist, habe ich beschlossen

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An honest review of HelloFresh Meal Kits by Tatiana Schoch

Meal delivery services and meal box kits are on the rise to cater for our busy lifestyles with the aim of encouraging more home-cooked, fresh meals. HelloFresh is one of those companies that has landed in Switzerland with the goal of keeping meals exciting, simple and delicious.  So

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