
World Cup Munchies!

 Yes, it’s finally world cup frenzy! It is that time of year where we breathe, eat and drink football aka the time where crisps, beer, chicken wings and you name it are always on the menu! And I must admit, even for a dietitian, that menu can

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Going Gluten Free – The Basics

If you have been newly diagnosed with Coeliac Disease or know someone that has, this post will hopefully give you a little insight on the ins and outs of going on a gluten free diet. Other than those with Coeliac disease, some might have to go on

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Beat the -3 o'clockitis- !

It’s between 3 & 4pm and you get to a point where your brain shuts down, you start seeing fluffy pillows everywhere and the idea of just resting your head on your desk for a while becomes more and more appealing…This, my friends, is what I would

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What you need to know about Multivitamins…

With the endless brands & aisles of multivitamins out there, choosing a multi can be one confusing experience! Also, misconceptions about vitamin & mineral supplements keep flooding our minds – they are not medicine to treat illnesses, they do not have magical anti-ageing miracles, they are not food

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Your Guide to Artificial Sweeteners

They are described as sweetness without the calories..Those who are trying to cut down on sugar, lose weight or have diabetes tend to go for artificial sweeteners aka sugar substitutes or low calorie sweeteners. What are they? Artificial sweeteners are chemicals or natural compounds that provide the

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Camel Milk, a Neglected Health Food On Our Shelves?

How many of you have come across a carton of camel milk at the store and actually gave it a go? Personally, I haven’t. I think it is more of a psychological thing where I just cannot get myself to drink milk from a camel! As soon

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Probiotics – Prebiotics…Heard of them?!

If you are into herbal / alternative / complimentary medicine, then you must be familiar with pre & probiotics and their role in health. For those that don’t, this is an overview of what they are, what health benefits they provide and which foods to find them

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Diet Directory – Popular Celeb Detox/Cleansing Diets

Yes, back to the Detox Diets…A topic I have mentioned previously. In order to raise awareness about the zillion diets out there (most which carry false promises of purifying your body of toxins, boosting your immune system and so on…) I thought I would give everyone a

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Does Happily Ever After = Heavily Ever After?!

Endless dinner dates, cooking 3 course meals to impress your partner, marriage, pregnancies, kids and the list goes on… Does being in a relationship, finding love, getting married all lead to the numbers on your scales to climb? This topic is really worth talking about as I

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Know Your Fats!

In a few older posts, I have mentioned some facts about fats..Good fats vs Bad fats and so on. This “educational”post talks about the topic in more detail since I have seen quite a few people with cholesterol problems or others that lack the knowledge…so here goes!

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