Exercise & Fitness

Salad Directory

To kick start the weekend, here’s a list of some easy salad recipes to add a bit of variety to your menu. Who said salads should be boring, unappealing and just “Rabbit-friendly”! For more yummy recipes, everything from mains & desserts to gluten-free dishes, visit my favourite

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Is Sugar better than High Fructose Corn Syrup? by guest expert Margaret Wertheim (RD)

High fructose corn syrup (HFCS) has been in the headlines for quite sometime now for being the evil culprit in the increasing incidence of obesity and associated diseases. What is it, you ask? How different is it from sugar? For all the inside scoop, here’s registered dietitian

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The Updates, the Scoop, the News

Dear Readers, Just sending a little heads up on what’s in store for the coming weeks. The next few segments will be written by guest experts talking about a whole range of topics: The “In the Spotlight” segment will introduce you to the queen of gluten free

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'Gluten Free' labeling on food packages defined by the FDA!

The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has now officially released a statement explaining what ‘Gluten Free’ foods are by developing a standardized definition which manufacturers should comply with. For the official news release, see below: (Link to official announcement : FDA Press Announcements) FDA defines “gluten-free”

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Online Counseling: Your feedback and thoughts!

Dear Readers, As I’ve been currently busy finishing up my Masters of Advanced studies and filling my brain up with more knowledge to benefit the world, I am now in the midst of venturing into more projects and would like your input! One project includes online counseling –

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The fight against social inequalities in health and disease: Is there an end?

Source:  Di Cesare, et.al. Inequalities in non-communicable diseases and effective responses. The Lancet, vol 381, 585-597 Feb16, 2013 Does your social status determine your risk of developing disease? How about whether it determines your risk of dying from cancer, diabetes or heart disease? The answers to these

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Weight Loss Surgery: What you need to know

 Have you tried everything to lose weight? Really tried?  Have you had the support of a qualified dietitian to lose the weight?  Have you tried changing your lifestyle and maintain those changes for more than six months?  Have you engaged in any sort of activity in the

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Tea Time: Fancy a Cuppa?

Whether it’s a cuppa for breakfast or a simple beverage to enjoy in the afternoon, tea has its endless varieties and benefits that may be overlooked. Each type of tea has characteristics that make it more distinguishable amongst others. From the popular ‘English Breakfast’ to Green Tea,

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Food Facts: From the East to the West

  Travelling could  be a could death sentence for some people trying to watch their weight as quoted by some of my patients or a simple break from the strict dietary routine many may follow. Whether you are trying to watch your weight or not, travelling is an opportunity

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Food the ‘Au Natural’ Way: Natural vs. Organic

Dietitians and healthcare professionals alike are all on the same page when it comes to promoting health and wellbeing especially when it comes to the food you eat. So why not look at food at its rawest form? Many of you may be aware of the hype

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