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Some common foods that we include in our diet on a daily basis could be causing more harm than good. Now, incorporating these foods is OK however, it all comes down to frequency and portion size. Here are a few common foods that may be sabotaging your
Read more →Yes, it’s finally world cup frenzy! It is that time of year where we breathe, eat and drink football aka the time where crisps, beer, chicken wings and you name it are always on the menu! And I must admit, even for a dietitian, that menu can
Read more →How many of you have come across a carton of camel milk at the store and actually gave it a go? Personally, I haven’t. I think it is more of a psychological thing where I just cannot get myself to drink milk from a camel! As soon
Read more →Over the years, more research has investigated the relationship between eating charred meat and the risk of developing cancer. Results? Not So Good….. Now the cancer forming chemicals that are in the spotlight are called heterocyclic amines (HCAs). These chemicals are formed when meats such as beef,
Read more →More and more foods are making headlines due to their nutritional benefits so I’ve decided to keep you all updated on the hype. This post will focus on the three foods that can be added to the list of “Superfoods”out there and they are – Quinoa, Chia
Read more →A few days ago, a recent study has demonstrated that the dietary fibre in seaweed can reduce fat absorption by about 75%. Could this hold the key to fighting Obesity?! Researchers at the University of Newcastle used an artificial gut to test the effectiveness of more than
Read more →So I assume that A LOT of you out there cannot and will not function in the mornings without that cup of coffee! With more research out there demonstrating its benefits, I just thought I would highlight the pros and cons of coffee since it is probably
Read more →In Australia, Deakin University researchers have announced that humans are able to detect “fat”. They found that people with a high sensitivity to the taste of fat were less likely to be overweight since they tended to eat less fatty foods. The following section is taken from
Read more →We hear about them , some swear by them but are there foods that have so called super powers? Is it another myth? The term “super foods” has been given to foods that have shown to provide beneficial properties for our health in growing research. These foods
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