“A calorie is a calorie”. This has been a common mantra most people go by when it comes to weight loss, where the belief that consuming 100 calories worth of Coke or fries is the same as 100 calories worth of beans or broccoli. Fall into that
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Following a balanced diet is not only important but also essential during pregnancy. Your growing baby has special nutrient needs and places extra demand on your body, hence, consuming a well balanced diet is important. During pregnancy you have increased nutritional requirements, especially for protein, calcium, iron
Read more →In preparation for the official launch of Nutrition A-Z’s online nutrition counseling service, I will be offering free trial sessions for those requiring guidance from a dietitian. As this is only a trial period, the number of people enrolled will be limited to 6, however, 2 have
Read more →For those living in Dubai, in the UAE , growing your own produce might not be the easiest venture to embark on…So why not sit back, relax, and enjoy organic freshness delivered to your doorstep, in a box! Today’s guest writer and founder of Go Organic ME, Meenaxy
Read more →The power of berries has been the hype of nutritional research for many years now especially when looking at fighting diseases. Researches are unveiling more evidence that richly coloured fruits and vegetables provide us with disease-preventive compounds against diseases such as cancer, heart disease and Alzheimer’s disease.
Read more →Sugar. This simple, sweet nutrient has hit the airwaves causing debates between health professionals and the food industry in regards to its risks. But how dangerous is sugar? Starting with the basics, sugar is a carbohydrate, and as you all know, carbohydrates break down into simple sugars
Read more →Think of this as a “spring clean up”. Stocking up on great-tasting foods that will help you eat light and right is essential. This basic nutritional makeover should help set the foundation for healthier and cleaner eating for you and the rest of your family. So let’s
Read more →If the “diet awards” existed, the number one contender on every health professional’s list would be the Mediterranean diet. This traditional style of eating of countries bordering the Mediterranean has been the subject of intensive research for over 40 years where evidence of its health benefits is
Read more →Word on the street is that ‘Paleo’ is all about going back in time, around 10,000 years ago that is. This current diet craze is all about following a nutritional plan based on what the cavemen ate in the Paleolithic period between 2.5 million and 10,000 years
Read more →Dear World, We have hit a point where weight loss diets, gurus and fads are coming up with anything and everything to help you see the number on the scales drop. Losing weight may now involve anything from juicing, fasting, following a certain movement or by simply
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